How To Correctly Predict Baba Ijebu Lotto Winning Numbers | Ways To Forecast Lotto Results

How To Correctly Predict Baba Ijebu Lotto Winning Numbers | Ways To Forecast Lotto Results

Baba ijebu also known as premier lotto is one of the biggest lottery company in Nigeria with millions of Nigerian predicting and playing games daily to stand a chance to become millionaires. Few people win while a lot of people loose. people loose not because they have bad luck, but because they lack the ability to correctly predict or forecast Baba Ijebu Games.


Introduction To Baba Ijebu

Premier Lotto games is a game of numbers, not a guess game. You need to be analytical and also be exposed to the correct tools lotto forecasting methods.
This guide is majorly for those who are learning how to predict baba ijebu winning numbers, these are people who have been loosing for a long time and are looking for a way to become part of the winners of the lottery program.
We would be discussing some of the methods that are being used by the best Baba Ijebu Forecasters and forecasting app.

Baba Ijebu offers a wide variety of games that are being played everyday of the week from Mondays to Sundays. Players have the option of playing more than 4 games daily. some of these games includes Msp, metro, peoples, bingo etc

NB: Lottery can make you rich and can also wreck you at the same time so you need to be responsible about it. Do not use your life savings, only use spare cash.


List Of Baba Ijebu Games

Let us discuss about the various baba Ijebu lotto games before dabbling into the forecasting Methods. Below are the most commonly placed ones

2 Sure:

Baba ijebu 2 sure game is one of the most popular, it means you choose 2 numbers which you think would be among the winning numbers (for example choosing 45 and 66). if those 2 numbers come out among the winning numbers, then it means you have won. But if just one of the number comes out or none, then it means you have lost.

 3 Direct:

Baba Ijebu 3 direct game is just like 2 sure, but this time around, you are choosing 3 numbers, not 2. The advantage of 3 direct over 2 sure is that the winning cash is more than 2 sure. You choose 3 numbers and they all must come out in the winning results. if 2 or 1 or none comes out, you have lost the game. Another major disadvantage about this game is that it is very hard to win.


Permutation is a very easier game but it requires money. Permutation is the process of combining a lot of numbers, for instance choosing 8 different numbers and you are expecting just 2 to come out among the winning numbers. permutation increases you chance of winning, but it comes with its own disadvantage that its very expensive. The more numbers your permutate, the more it becomes expensive.

 One Against Others:

This is another good baba ijebu game. You select a number and then another set of numbers. You win when your selected number with any of the set of selected numbers are among the winning numbers. For example, you can select 22 and then a set of other numbers (33 – 44 – 55 – 66 – 77). if 22 and 44 comes out, you have won, likewise 22 and 33 etc.

Sure Banker:

Baba Ijebu Sure Banker game is the sweetest. You only get to select one number and if the number come out among the winning numbers, you have won. This is suitable for those who are 100% sure of a number, but do not want to combine it with other numbers to avoid loosing.


How To Forecast Baba Ijebu Winning numbers

Now that we have talked about the various Games, lets talk about Baba Ijebu Forecasting methods

Hot Numbers

This is the method most Baba Ijebu Forecasters and forecasting apps use. They look at frequently drawn by other people. That is they check for numbers that a lot of people have been playing for some time. They also check for numbers that people are not really playing and then they make their observations and conclusions from their results.


Number Positioning

This is when you check the winning numbers and machine=e numbers and you observe the way some numbers have been placed. For example, on week 1, 84 comes out in the first box and 32 in the middle box. You need to check for other weeks to see if these number has occurred like that again. you can then make your analysis. This actually fetch a lot of people baba ijebu today game result.


Weeks Repetition

Lets assume a number keeps appearing every 4 weeks, then the next 4 week, you might want to choose the number as there is a high chance it can reappear.


Pole to Pole

If lets say in week 1, 24 starts the box and 43 ends the box. You may look for a reoccurence and then observe how it appeared. You can then make your judgement. With this method, you can get baba ijebu sure number for today.

Dream Numbers

Some people actually have numbers in the dream and when they play those numbers, they win.



So basically lets assume you need baba ijebu forecast for today or midweek, you basically need to consult the past results and identify trends of numbers that may come out.

15 thoughts on “How To Correctly Predict Baba Ijebu Lotto Winning Numbers | Ways To Forecast Lotto Results”

  1. Adeleke lateef and others I have interest on lotto and I will be happy if you can send me national or any other game sure number and I will give you mine .my number :08137823977 ,you can call mine number tonight or tomorrow I have game

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